a bee on a blue object

Effective Ways to Repel Wasps and Protect Your Home

It all starts with that haunting buzzing sound. You might think, "It's just a fly," and start swatting until you hear it get closer and closer. The louder it gets, the clearer it becomes that this is bigger than your average housefly, and the stripes are usually a dead giveaway that you've got a wasp nest on your hands.

Wasps are known to be generally docile, avoiding conflict when they can. They don't necessarily want to get close to people. They don't have the same fuzzy, round bodies as bees, and they're generally broken into two broad categories: solitary wasps and social wasps.

While some live alone, the social wasps are the ones to be on the lookout for. It's true that they are mostly docile, but a wasp nest is sacred, and they become very territorial very quickly. When left alone in nature, wasps work as pollinators, but when found in your yard, they work as pests.

Wasps have been known to crash a backyard barbecue in search of something sweet to snack on. From sending people running and screaming to stinging guests, they certainly know how to take a good time and turn it into pure chaos. Known for their painful stings, it's no wonder they cause so much trouble for people. The Greenix team wants to help educate you on what attracts wasps and help you find ways to repel them, too.

Common Types of Wasps

Knowing the different types of wasps can help in your efforts to deter them. Yellow jackets are one of the most common and aggressive wasp types, recognized by their bright yellow bodies and black markings.

Paper wasps are known for their long legs and abdomen and are often found in tree branches, porch ceilings, and door frames.

Mud daubers are less aggressive than other wasp species and are typically brown or black in color. These are an example of a solitary wasp.

What Attracts Wasps

  1. Sweets - As we mentioned, wasps are always looking for a sweet treat. Just like bees, wasps help pollinate. They drink nectar from flowers, gathering pollen on their bodies and spreading it around. Because their diet consists of sweet juices found in flowers, it's no surprise that any sweets, fermented foods, sodas, or even trash, will attract these insects.

  2. Protein - Wasps have also been known to scout out protein-rich foods like meat or pet food. While they don't eat meat themselves, they'll often grab what particles they can to feed to their larvae. Protein will help expedite the growing process, giving the larva the nutrients it needs. It's no wonder your summer barbecues are such a hit! With hot dogs, burgers, lemonade, and more, you wind up laying out the ideal buffet for wasps.

  3. Privacy - While they may live in colonies, they are certainly not looking to share a space with any other people or insects. Wasps are attracted to dark, secluded areas like eaves, attics, and wall voids where they can find comfort and protection from any predators.

Natural Methods to Repel Wasps

While taking out a wasp nest on your own is never a good idea without the help of a professional pest control company, there are natural ways to deter wasps from coming around your property.

Essential Oils That Repel Wasps

  1. Peppermint oil is known to repel insects of all kinds, including wasps. Simply diluting it with a little water and using a spray bottle to mist your yard can easily reduce the likelihood of wasps coming around.

  2. Lemongrass oil also works to naturally repel wasps. It can be used in the same way as peppermint oil.

  3. Citronella candles (which contain citronella oil) work to keep wasps and other insects away, too. Purchasing the oil and spraying it, or using candles, can deter wasps and keep your yard smelling nice.

Wasp-Repellent Plants

Certain plants, such as mint, basil, and citronella, are known to repel wasps. You can plant these in your garden with the rest of your plants, or you can get them their own pot that you can transport to different areas of your yard. The ability to move them can help keep insects like wasps away from you while you're outside.

You can also use wasp-repellent plants in potpourri or sachets to send wasps on their way! Keeping them on tables or in pockets can protect you from bothersome bugs.

Physical Barriers to Prevent Wasps

Physical barriers can be used to prevent wasps from entering your home or yard.

Seal Any Access Points into Your Home

The process might sound complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Seal any cracks or crevices around windows, doors, and vents. Use caulk or weatherstripping material to seal gaps, and install door sweeps to prevent wasps inside your home. While it's uncommon for them to come inside, it's not unheard of. Take the proper steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Seal Trash Cans and Keep Them Clean

While they don't tend to want to hang out with you inside, wasps definitely don't mind helping themselves to any of your leftovers. Trash cans are like a wasp paradise, so keeping trash covered with tight lids and taking the trash out regularly can help prevent wasps from becoming an issue for you.

Eliminating Wasp Nests

Getting rid of wasps is never a good idea on your own. Many people turn to the internet to find wasp traps or attempt to remove wasp nests on their own. This is incredibly dangerous, and no matter what the internet says, a little dish soap is not going to solve your wasp problem.

To truly and safely get rid of wasps, you need the help of pest professionals. At Greenix, we don't just set up a wasp trap that serves as a band-aid for your problem. Instead, we remove wasp nests, getting rid of all the wasps on your property.

This should only be handled by professionals because of the risk involved. If you are not allergic to wasps, it's true that the sting could be fine. But being stung by dozens of wasps can be life-threatening. Our experts come with protective clothing and other technical gear that allows us to safely and effectively treat your problem.

When it comes to wasps, let the experts take the reigns. Choose Greenix for your wasp nest removal and get back to enjoying spending time in your yard with family and friends.

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