Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Peace of Mind Begins Here
The Greenix 6-Step Process
getting the job done right
We've got your home covered from the foundation all the way to its tallest eaves.

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

20 Point Inspection
20 Point Inspection
Eave Sweep & Dust
Eave Sweep & Dust
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Crack & Crevice Treatment
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Exterior Perimeter Spray
Granular Pest Barrier
Granular Pest Barrier
Home Interior Protection
Home Interior Protection

A Reliable Exterminator in Bethlehem
Nothing is quite as shocking as a pest infestation that has gone unnoticed. When you discover a mess of creepy crawlers roaming around your home, it's time to call for backup. Greenix Pest Control Bethlehem, PA, has a team of expert exterminators who have the power to restore your home's safety.
Ditch the pests with the people who know best! Work with the Greenix team to treat and prevent pest infestations of all kinds.

Our Pest Control Services
From pests big and small, Greenix can help with them all. Pest control services are meant to encompass many different types of pests. We treat over 50 different types of pests to ensure that your home is always protected. Some of our pest control services include:

Greenix Pest Control Bethlehem, PA
Welcome to Christmas City, USA! There's no shortage of town spirit, especially around the holidays, in Bethlehem. Known for beautiful landscapes that lend themselves to the many Christmas festivities that happen in the area, this part of Pennsylvania is a must-see no matter what time of year. From the breathtaking winter whites to the vast green expanse of the spring and summer, Bethlehem never fails to be a fun town with plenty to see and do.
Just like people travel far and wide to visit the area, so do pests! With a great balance of city and nature, this town is no stranger to infestations of all kinds. Homes in the area are vulnerable to pests, so working with a local pest control company is crucial. Enter Greenix Pest Control Bethlehem: your one-stop shop for all things pest control.
Ask The Pest Experts
Spraying for Mosquitoes
Buzz. Swat. Repeat. Tired of feeling under attack in your own yard? Mosquitoes love stagnant water (from puddles, fountains, or nearby bodies of water) and warm weather. When the weather gets nice enough for you to enjoy sitting outside with the people you love, suddenly you find yourself covered in mosquito bites. But with proper mosquito control, you're sure to find some freedom from the persistent pests. Mosquito control is recommended in the spring, before mosquitoes become overactive, but can also be done in the summer.
Flea Control
Being flea-free is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Keep the fleas at the circus, and check out our flea control service. Flea treatment on your own can cost ridiculous amounts of time, energy, and money from trial and error. Get it right the first time with Greenix. Our professional exterminators perform flea treatment with ease, identifying the right spots to treat, and ridding your home of living fleas, as well as their eggs.
Wasp Nest Removal
Losing control of your home to wasps stings. Literally! We become captives in our own homes once wasps decide to build a nest on our property. Because they are territorial, they can become aggressive at any moment if they feel they are being threatened, or their hive is threatened. You shouldn't have to live with fear of walking in or out of your home each day. Take your power back with Greenix's wasp nest removal service.
Spraying for Ticks
Rodent Control
Finding an effective mice exterminator matters. Mice and other rodents populate quickly, so if you suspect that you are dealing with a rodent infestation, it's crucial to act quickly. In very little time, they can cause incredible amounts of damage. And because they are small and speedy, they are tough to take care of without the help of professional exterminators. Don't let the mice squeak by! Hire us for your mice exterminator needs.

Take Back Your Peace of mind
Trust the Pest Nerds, That’s Us.
Have questions about getting rid of pesky nuisance pests? Want to get an appointment scheduled for fast service? Please give us a call here or contact us for your free quote.