Moles Have Met Their Match
Mole Barrier Services
Keeping Your Yard Mole-Free

Send Moles Meandering Away
How We Help Protect You

How To Identify A Mole Problem
Because they spend a majority of their time underground, you're not likely to spot a mole cruising around your yard. However, there are many easily identifiable signs of a mole problem you can spot from above the surface. Look out for raised ridges or surface tunnels, patches of dead or discolored grass, and raised mounds of dirt that serve as entrances and exits of tunnels.
While voles are also a common tunneling pest, the two look nothing alike. Moles have a pointed snout, enlarged front feet, and eyes and ears too tiny to see. They're meat eaters in search of insects and grub. Voles have bigger, rounded ears and a reddish brown body. They look more similar to a mouse. They're herbivores and will only feed on roots, bulbs, bark, and seeds of plants and grasses.
Moles are typically found in areas of your property rich in organic matter and insects they can feed off of. If you've noticed a large presence of moles in your yard, you're likely also dealing with additional pests beneath the surface. Soil pests include a variety of insects including springtails, beetles, ants, mites, millipedes, and more.
The Greenix Process
getting the job done right
We've got your home covered from the foundation all the way to its tallest eaves.

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

How to Prevent a Mole Infestation
Since the main goal of moles in your yard is to find a reliable food source, removing this will force pests to look elsewhere. In addition, removing grubs and other soil pests will aid in general lawn care and keeping your property the envy of the neighborhood. In addition, you can dig a trench about three feet deep around the areas you want to protect and fill it with rocks or mesh wire.
Taking action to prevent moles from damaging your entire lawn can help, but because they attack from underground, there is still a possibility they're causing issues you can't see. Even the best kept, award winning lawns are at risk of attracting moles that will take your blue ribbon yard to a bruise on the block.

The Greenix Approach To Mole Control
Give service professionals at Greenix a call. What will be accomplished through our mole control program? On the first visit, a service pro will inspect mole tunnels and mounds for signs of activity. Once all active tunnels have been located, a combination of bait and/or traps will be placed to rid your property of moles over the next few days and weeks. Most infestations can be treated in about 4 visits. Our mole barrier treatment plan is offered in addition to general pest control packages. Contact our team or ask your friendly service pro about this offering during your next treatment.
Sit back, relax, and watch your lawn return to its full glory with the help of Greenix Pest Control.
Take Back Your Peace of mind
Trust the Pest Nerds, That’s Us.
Have questions about getting rid of pesky nuisance pests? Want to get an appointment scheduled for fast service? Please give us a call here or contact us for your free quote.