Rodents be gone
Interior Rodent Services
Cupboard Raiders Be Gone

Take Back Your Home With Trusted Rodent Experts
How We Help Protect You
Mice seem like pretty cute creatures until they raid your pantry to steal the best snacks and fill your home with a musky odor that won't go away. Not only are they greedy, but they also pose a serious threat to you and your family. Instead of chasing these quick creatures around with a broom hoping they'll head outdoors, it's time to call in the professionals at Greenix Pest Control.
Our Interior Rodent program is a short-term intensive program to treat your home's interior for rodents including mice and rats. Get back to enjoying your late-night snacks once again without the horror of finding a hole in the bag and your favorite chips already gone.

How To Identify A Rodent Problem
Rats and mice are pretty active creatures so spotting one in your home if you have an infestation isn't uncommon. You may also see rodent droppings around food packages, in drawers and cupboards, and underneath your sink. Rodents enter your home in search of food, water, and shelter so that's where they'll be attracted. When they're not munching on your favorite cereal, they like to hang out in cupboards, walls, crawlspaces, attics, and other spaces where there isn't much traffic.
- Chewing on food packaging
- Scratching or thumping in walls
- Nesting materials scattered around your home
- Urine stains on shelves or in cabinets or drawers
- Holes gnawed in walls and floors
Additional signs of a rodent infestation include:
The Greenix Process
getting the job done right
We've got your home covered from the foundation all the way to its tallest eaves.

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Inspect Property For Rodent Activity
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Place Bait Stations Every 12-30 Feet
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Inspect And Refresh Existing Stations
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary
Follow Up And Adjust As Necessary

How To Prevent A Rodent Infestation
The key to keeping rodents out of your home is creating an environment they don't want to live in. Rats and mice venture indoors in search of two main things - food and shelter. While your home will always be an attractive option during the winter cold, keeping a tidy space can remove the other component rodents need to survive.
Storing garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids and disposing of trash outside when it becomes full is one of the best ways to remove food sources. In addition, immediately clean up food and drink spills, making sure to sweep up crumbs that may fall underneath appliances and cabinets. If you discover any holes in door screens, cracks in your home's foundation, or gaps around electrical, plumbing, or cable lines, seal them up. Rodents need a surprisingly small amount of room to make their way indoors and can squeeze through some of the smallest openings.

The Greenix Approach To Rodent Control
Rodents can carry a variety of diseases and have the potential to transmit them to humans directly through contact with feces, urine, or saliva, and through rodent bites. They can also spread through ticks, fleas, or mites that might have fed on an infected rodent. Because of this, professional pest control is the best way to eliminate rodents from your home while keeping your family and pets safe.
During your initial visit, a Service Pro will inspect your home and property for telltale signs of an infestation. Our 20-point inspection includes examining all areas of your home that pests may use to break inside including window wells and sub-terrain foundational openings, window seams and shutters, dryer vents, AC units and utility boxes, and more. Once a custom treatment plan has been created, a member of the Greenix team will visit weekly to monitor and maintain your rodent defense. Necessary adjustments to the plan will be made based on rodent activity.
This program is available as an addition to existing Rodent Barrier plans to combat interior rodent problems with both an indoor and outdoor solution. Contact Greenix Pest Control to learn more and schedule a free inspection today!
Take Back Your Peace of mind
Trust the Pest Nerds, That’s Us.
Have questions about getting rid of pesky nuisance pests? Want to get an appointment scheduled for fast service? Please give us a call here or contact us for your free quote.