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Greenix Pest Control Mosquitoes Are Coming!

The Mosquitoes Are Coming! Prepare for the Buzz-pocalypse

Summer is quickly approaching, and that means mosquito season is just around the corner. While we love the warm weather and the time we get to spend outdoors in the summer, we certainly don't love the mosquito bites that come with it. Luckily, the dreaded mosquito season doesn't have to ruin your summer! Being prepared is the best way to combat mosquitoes so you can enjoy spending time in your yard with friends and family. There's an itch to act now!!

Know Thy Enemy

Fun Fact: Did you know that only female mosquitoes are responsible for those pesky bites? The protein from our blood is used for reproduction and the formation of their eggs!

In order to be prepared for mosquito season, it's important to understand their life cycle. While there are multiple types of mosquitoes, they generally follow the same cycle:

  • Egg (located in water) hatches into larva

  • Larva grows into pupa

  • Pupa grows into adult

Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, which is why the best practice for preventing mosquitoes is eliminating any standing pools of water around your home.

Why Mosquitoes Find You Irresistible

The reason you find yourself covered in bites after spending twenty minutes outside is largely due to having something around your yard that attracted mosquitoes in the first place. Pools of water, grass, clogged gutters, and heat draw mosquitoes in.

Once they are in your yard, you become target number one. In addition to the outside factors that attract mosquitoes, your body odor lures them in. They can smell things like perfumes, sometimes clothing, alcohol, blood type, perspiration, and even your breath.

The Art of Mosquito Warfare

Now that we know what mosquitoes are on the lookout for, it's time to build your fortress!

Step 1: Check and Repair Screens

When there's a will, there's a way. If mosquitoes can smell you, they will want to find a way to get to you. In the heat of the summer, it's normal to crack a window, but be sure that your screens are fully intact to prevent these suckers from getting inside!

Step 2: Eliminate Standing Water

Take a look around your property. Notice any areas where water isn't draining properly? It's important to do your best to eliminate puddles or other pools of water to prevent mosquitoes from taking interest in your yard.

Step 3: Use Outdoor Fans

If you've got a sun room or patio fan, make sure to keep it running if you are outside. The fans deter mosquitoes while keeping you and your family nice and cool in the heat of the summer sun. It's a win-win!

Look To the Garden Guardians

There are different types of plants that you can keep in your garden to repel mosquitoes naturally! The following plants are known for giving off a refreshing scent to the human nose, but have the ability to deter some mosquitoes:

  • Lavender

  • Mint

  • Citronella

  • Marigolds

  • Basil

  • Rosemary

Most of these double as a great way to add fresh herbs into your cooking, so be sure to plant some around your garden to start reaping the benefits! (Pro tip: plant mint in an area on its own, as it typically spreads rapidly and overpowers other plants!)

Weapons of Mosquito Destruction

Natural Allies in Your Arsenal

While many people turn to DEET and other repellents, essential oils can work just as well without having to put chemicals all over your skin. We recommend using essential oils from any of the plants listed above, plus a few more. View our guide on what essential oils to use and how to use them before getting started!

Another DIY alternative is homemade mosquito traps. All you have to do is dissolve a little bit of sugar in water, add a pump of dish soap, and stir it up! If you have yeast, you can add it to the mix, but either way will attract mosquitoes in no time. Place it in a shady area, and try to put it in a dark container as that will attract more mosquitoes.

Gadgets and Gizmos

Looking to level things up a bit? There are mosquito zappers and ultrasonic repellents that you can buy to get rid of existing mosquitoes. We typically recommend this as a last-resort because nothing works quite as well as prevention!

Join the Buzz-Free Brigade: Book Your Victory March with Greenix Today!

Before mosquito season reaches its peak, there's still time to book your next mosquito control service with Greenix! Your best option is to get ahead of the problem, avoiding the frustration of a full-blown mosquito infestation.

With a quick and easy service from our elite pest control technicians, you can bet that the upcoming "buzz-pocalypse" is something that you and your family can and will survive this year! Contact us for more information about our professional mosquito control services.

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