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a cricket


Chances are you've seen crickets many times and know them to be generally harmless. If you have a lot of them hopping around your home, though, you might be feeling pretty grossed out. Crickets themselves are not specifically dangerous to you, but can attract other more problematic pests and aren't the most loveable roommates. They are known to be destructive to textiles, and some species can chirp very loudly, keeping you up at night. If you have dogs or cats, they're also pretty likely to go crazy watching crickets crawl and jump all over.
a cricket

How to Identify Crickets

There are over 900 species of Crickets out there, but most are pretty easy to identify, with cylindrical bodies, round heads, long antennae, and an elongated segment (femora) in their back legs. This elongated section of their legs is what enables them to jump long distances. Certain species also have specially textured legs that they can rub together to make a chirping sound.

Crickets can be found in a variety of outdoor habitats, but particularly thrive in dark, moist environments. As nocturnal insects, crickets will generally spend daytime in mulch areas and cracks and crevices. Many crickets are omnivores, seeking out organic foods like flowers, fruits, and leaves. Some cricket species, however, also eat things like larvae and molting insects. Crickets are usually most active in the spring, and have a mating season in the late summer and early fall before hibernating in the winter - although they can reproduce year-round when the climate allows.

Why Do I Have Crickets in My Home?

Like with a lot of common pests, the crickets in your house likely got there through gaps or holes in your home's foundation, walls, doors frames, etc. Once they've gotten into your house, they'll probably head to dark, damp spaces, like under appliances or cabinets. Weirdly, though, Crickets can also be attracted to bright lighting at night, so you may see them near any well-light areas at night.

If you've seen crickets around your house, but can't quite figure out where they're hiding, try listening to any chirping they're making at nighttime to try and find their hiding place(s).

a sticky note with information about crickets

Cricket Control With Greenix Pest Control

There are lots of home remedies touted for cricket control, but your best bet will be to get assistance from pest control professionals, especially if you have a large infestation of crickets. Many home remedies can turn out to be expensive, messy, and maybe even unsafe for you or your pets.

At Greenix we offer free quotes for our family, pet, and eco-friendly pest control solutions, so you can start the pest control process with clear expectations. Reach out to us now to get started on curbing your cricket problem - then, you can kick back and relax without that pesky chirping!


a pest tech eave sweeping the front of a house

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