Got Earwigs? We've got you covered

Plant and crop damage is usually the biggest problem caused by earwigs, although we certainly don't enjoy seeing them crawl around our homes. Some Earwig species can release a horrible-smelling (although non-toxic) liquid if disturbed, which is definitely not something you want in your house. Whether you have houseplants or peace of mind to protect, we've got some options for getting earwigs out of your space - just contact us to get a free estimate from our Greenix service pros.

How To Identify Earwigs
Earwigs feast on plants and other insects, so may be seen around piles of leaves or wood, etc. outdoors. In a home, they may be in any areas that have debris like dirt or leaves, and/or in moist areas. Although they won't open your front door and walk in, earwigs can be pretty good at sneaking in through small holes around the exterior or foundation of your home, and will likely head for moist areas and potential food sources once they're in your house.

Earwig Control With Greenix Pest Control
If it's time to get your earwig infestation under control, reach out and get a free estimate from our service pros today! We'll come in and inspect your home/yard for earwigs, talk you through a solution for solving your pest problems, and do quarterly maintenance to keep your home pest-free.

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Trust the Pest Nerds, That’s Us.
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