Fleas belong at the circus, not your home

What Are Fleas?
Clearly, fleas aren't something you want to mess around with. Fortunately, professional pest control can eliminate these irritating and potentially risky pests.

How to Identify Fleas
Identifying fleas by sight can be a bit tricky. Because fleas are usually about 1.5 to 3 mm, you might notice flea bites and lots of itching before you see the fleas. If you do happen to see fleas, you'll most likely just see tiny oval-shaped bugs with no wings. Expect them to look dark in color and have hard shells.
Don't be fooled—just because fleas don't have wings doesn't mean they can't cover serious ground. They can jump from one host to another, so if Fluffy has fleas, you're not safe, either. Fleas feed on animal (and human) blood, so they are often discovered by the bite marks they leave. Flea bites are generally itchy and may form a line or a cluster on your skin. It's especially common to get flea bites on your lower legs. If you're looking for fleas on a pet, you might see the small bugs attached to their skin or crawling through their fur.
Why Do I Have Fleas in My Home?
Fleas are usually brought into the home by animals. If you have pets, especially ones with long fur, there's a good chance they're the ones who originally got fleas and brought them inside. If you don't have a pet, rodents or other wild animals who've made their way inside may be the most likely culprits, although it's not impossible for fleas to have come inside after jumping on you directly.

Flea Prevention Tips

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